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Reduce Stress (self care technique)

Disclaimer: - This course is general information only, not intended to replace professional advice. If you have any mental health problem consult your doctor.

what is stress?

Many people dying and out of jobs, and the economy in limbo, stress has increased to a frighteningly new level.

Stress is a direct result of negative emotions that are out of control, it does not matter what triggers those emotions. Unfortunately stress is a condition that some time does not go away with medication. But you need to few lifestyle changes to reduce the impact of stress, that is called stress management. Effective management can help manage not only stress but gives more balanced life for work.

There are many factor that lead to chronic stress, such as work related stress, job insecurity, financial, relationship, family, chronic injury, traumatic event, unrealistic expectation, perception and attitude,

Symptoms: -

Body stress symptoms: - Stress effect your general behavior, and also your mood , stress can bring down the response of the immune system through hormones released as part of the response of the body.

Behavior stress symptoms: - Stress can cause you to behave differently than normal. Often mixed with exhaustion, anger, under or over eating, abuse of alcohol and drugs and less exercise.

Mood stress symptoms: - Stress can make you feel sad or anger or a combination of both and loss your focus on your responsibilities and lead to irritability or frustration more easily.

So guard your thought especially those that can bring you stress. some of these may include thoughts such as:

  • There should be no mistake.

  • Everyone should love you.

  • You should always be competent.

  • Strong people do not ask for help.

  • Do not cry or show weakness.

  • Other people should see the way you do.

Precautions to remove stress:

  • Write down negative of thought.

  • Think only positive of thought.

  • Accept that every thing is not your control.

  • Be assertive instead of aggressive, declare your opinion instead of becoming angry or passive.

  • Practice yoga or Salah for meditation.

  • Eat well-balanced and healthy meal.

  • Make time for interest, hobbies and relaxation.

  • Have enough sleep and rest.

  • Spend some time with loved ones, friends.

  • Seek a medical professional.

  • Sing a song or recite religious verse like Quran or Gita

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1 Comment

oscar chacin
oscar chacin
Nov 26, 2021

Thanks for sharing this information and advice, I have learned that taking Reishi Spore Triterpene Crystals made in the USA, helps a lot to stimulate and strengthen the immune system and reduce stress.

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